Effects of calcium carbonate on a soil with a high content of interchangeable Potassium. Mechanism of its action

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Stelio Faedo


Previous experiments with soils adversely affected in its physical conditicns by relatively high contents of exchangeable potassium have shown that treatments with moderate amounts of calcium carbonate were more effective in the reduction of exchangeable potassium than treatments with 0,1 N solutions of calcium chloride. In the present note a new experiment is informed, confirming previous results, the mechanism of calcium carbonate action is analized, and its use is suggested as possible mean for improving the physical conditions of soils with contents of exchangeable potassium.


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How to Cite
Faedo, S. Effects of calcium carbonate on a soil with a high content of interchangeable Potassium. Mechanism of its action. AgriScientia, 1(1), 81–86. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v1.n1.882
Author Biography

Stelio Faedo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Edafología

Ing. Agr., Ex-Profesor Adjunto de la Cátedra.


FAEno, S. E. y L. A. CERANA. 1971. Efectos del potasio intercambiable sobre la permeabilidad de un suelo de Santa Fe. Actas de la VI Reunión Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, t. 1:35-49. Córdoba, setiembre de 1971.

- 1979. Efectos del potasio intercambiable sobre la permeabilidad de un suelo de Manfredi (Provincia de Córdoba). Racista de Ciencias Agropecuarias 1(1). Este fascículo.