Environmental impact of phytosanitary applications in intensive ornamental productions in Moreno district, Buenos Aires province

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Martín Fernández
Silvia Noemí López


Phytosanitary management in ornamental plant production is based on the use of synthetic products causing negative effects on the environment. The aim of this work was to analyze the environmental impact (EI) of pest management in intensive ornamental production in the district of Moreno, province of Buenos
Aires. The phytosanitary management of three establishments (E1, E2 and E3) representative of the area was described. The applications were analyzed and the EI was quantified through the calculation of the Field Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQf), which considers the effect on beneficial fauna, workers and consumers. The EIQf values were variable (1172.90, 752.90 and 54.70 for E1, E2 and E3, respectively), due to differences in the doses and number of
applications. Producers used insecticides/acaricides (42 %) and fungicides/
bactericides (58 %) homogeneously. Similarity was also observed in the proportion of phytosanitary products used according to the toxicological class, applying twice as many compounds from classes III and IV than those from classes I and II. This is the first contribution on EI of phytosanitary products in ornamental productions in Argentina in general, and in the Moreno district in particular.


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How to Cite
Fernández, M., & López, S. N. (2024). Environmental impact of phytosanitary applications in intensive ornamental productions in Moreno district, Buenos Aires province. AgriScientia, 41(1), 17–26. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v41.n1.40921


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