Characterization of whole plant corn silage harvested at different cutting heights and with two openings of the grain conditioner in field conditions

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María Laura Bernáldez
María Alejandra Cabanillas
Rubén Giménez
Gonzalo Luna Pinto
Soraya Salloum
Marcos Zenobi
Catalina Boetto


Maize was harvested for whole plant silage at two cutting heights (CH) above the ground, 30cm (CH30) and 55 cm (CH55), and with two grain conditioner roller openings (RO), 1mm (RO1) and 3 mm (RO3). The amount of dry matter of the remaining material (DM) and its dry matter percentage (%DM) at both CH was determined. In a bifactorial design, the CH*OR treatments were analyzed for their kernel processing scores (KPS) on the harvested material, and chemical
composition and in situ ruminal degradation of starch (DegS) in micro-silage. Plots harvested at CH55 had a larger DM and showed a tendency to present higher %DM and higher %DM in the ensiled material compared to CH30. In the
micro-silage, there were some differences in the contents of neutral detergent fiber and of lignin in acid detergent, for both variables the lowest value was presented by the combination CH55-RO3. Both the KPS of the ensiled material and DegS were similar among all treatments. The KPS value indicates minimal processing under the field conditions.


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How to Cite
Bernáldez, M. L., Cabanillas , M. A., Giménez, R., Luna Pinto, G., Salloum, S., Zenobi, M., & Boetto, C. (2024). Characterization of whole plant corn silage harvested at different cutting heights and with two openings of the grain conditioner in field conditions. AgriScientia, 41(1), 45–51.


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