Impact of herbicides on the inoculant Azospirillum argentinense Az39 used in maize crops

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Soledad Marianel Martin
Paula Cardozo
Albana Di Palma
Melina Muratore
Juan Manuel Peralta
Cecilia Cerliani
Gabriel Esposito
Herminda Reinoso
Claudia Travaglia


The objective of this work was to study the combination of Azospirillum argentinense Az39 with pre and post-emergent herbicides, Acetochlor and Dicamba, for its application both in vitro, and in germination and vegetative stage in maize plants. Az39 survival was determined in the presence of the herbicides added to the culture medium, with and without the addition of carbon or nitrogen sources. In maize seeds, treated with both herbicides, with and without bacterial inoculation, the effect on early development and morpho-physiological variables in stage V5 was evaluated. The tests determined that Az39 survived the presence of both herbicides and used Dicamba as a carbon source. The germination percentage decreased when Acetochlor was applied, while Dicamba inhibited root development. In V5, a decrease in the dry weight of the aerial and root parts of plants treated with Acetochlor was observed, even in the presence of Az39. Bacterial inoculation and/or herbicide application did not show changes in membrane damage, total chlorophylls and carotenoids. This new knowledge promotes the use of native bacterial strains that promote plant growth for their complementary benefits in the development of sustainable practices in crop production.


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Martin, S. M., Cardozo, P., Di Palma, A., Muratore, M., Peralta, J. M., Cerliani, C., Esposito, G., Reinoso, H., & Travaglia, C. (2023). Impact of herbicides on the inoculant Azospirillum argentinense Az39 used in maize crops . AgriScientia, 40(1), 17–28.


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