Chromatic traps for monitoring aphids and thrips in lettuce in the Green Belt of Córdoba, Argentina

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Gerardo Serra
Gabriel Barbero
Milene Barcenilla
Evangelina Beatriz Arguello Caro


Thrips and aphids are among the important sanitary limitations to lettuce crop (Lactuca sativa L.) production in the Green Belt of Córdoba (CVC) (Córdoba, Argentina). The objectives of this work were: a) to evaluate the attraction efficiency of blue, white and yellow sticky traps for thrips and aphids in lettuce crops, b) to characterize the correlation between the catches of aphids and thrips in the traps and the density of these insects in lettuce plants, and c) to determine the utility of chromatic adhesive traps for the evaluation of different pest management treatments. After two years of field tests (2018-2019 and 2019-2020) in conventional and agroecological farms in the CVC, it was determined that blue and white traps were the most effective against thrips, and yellow traps were the most effective against aphids. As for thrips, traps proved to be a useful tool for monitoring these pests since a positive correlation was observed between captures in traps and their density in the crop. The response of aphid populations for garlic extract and chemical control treatments did not differ statistically, suggesting the potential of this bioinput  as a lettuce management tool in conventional crops.


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How to Cite
Serra, G., Barbero, G., Barcenilla, M., & Arguello Caro, E. B. (2023). Chromatic traps for monitoring aphids and thrips in lettuce in the Green Belt of Córdoba, Argentina. AgriScientia, 40(1), 41–49.


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