New maize (Zea mays L.) varieties for semi-arid lands of Cordoba province, Argentina

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Carlos Biasutti
N. Bongianino
M. V. de la Torre


The use of open pollinated varieties adapted to specific environments represents an alternative to hybrid cultivars for producers in marginal areas for whom the high cost of state-of-the-art hybrid cultivars complicates their adoption. Despite the greater yield potential of maize hybrids, open pollinated varieties can be advantageous due to its adaptation to marginal environments, yield stability, lower seed prices, and mainly because it enables the producers to obtain their own seed. Two open pollinated maize varieties were developed by recurrent selection for their adaptation to the semi-arid region of Córdoba province. The varieties obtained were compared with commercial hybrids during three years in field trials and they showed good agronomic performance in grain yield and related characteristics, grain quality and resistance to prevalent diseases.


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Biasutti, C., Bongianino, N., & de la Torre , M. V. (2021). New maize (Zea mays L.) varieties for semi-arid lands of Cordoba province, Argentina. AgriScientia, 38(1), 111–116.
Short comunications


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