Formulation and properties of coating biopolymer for peanut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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Patricia Montoya
Jorge Cosiansi
Florencia Grasso
Mariana Melchiorre


This work shows a biodegradable coating biofilm design formulated with natural macromolecules such as starch, proteins, and glycerol, for its application on peanut seeds, to increase tegument resistance and fluency in sowing. Several formulations were assayed varying the concentration and types of starch. Two formulations, one based on corn starch and the other on cassava starch, were characterized in their rheology and their barrier, hydration and water solubility properties were determined. In coated seeds, biofilm technological characteristics, such as layer thickness, moisture absorption-desorption, contribution to fluency and mechanical damage resistance were tested. Seeds coated with biopolymer made up of 3 % cassava starch showed increased mechanical resistance and enhanced fluency and barrier properties. This work provides a formulation for the biopolimeric coating of peanut seeds, which being composed of natural, food grade and biodegradable substances, has the potential to be implemented in sustainable agriculture.


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How to Cite
Montoya, P., Cosiansi , J., Grasso, F. ., & Melchiorre, M. (2021). Formulation and properties of coating biopolymer for peanut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.). AgriScientia, 38(1).


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