Reproductive capacity of native Poaceae from the mountains of Córdoba (Argentina) affected by fires

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Jimena Elisa Martinat


In mountain environments of Córdoba (Argentina), where tourist activity predominates and livestock activity is based on native species, the fires that affect the area compromise the recovery of the natural landscape. The objective of this work was to evaluate the germination capacity of Eustachys retusa and Schizachyrium condensatum, native forages, subjected to pre-germination treatments and fire factors. Three repetitions were performed for each seed treatment: potassium nitrate, cold, smoke and heat shock tests. Germination was assessed for 21 days. A favorable increase in germination was observed in the 90 °C treatments for S. condensatum and a decrease in germination of E. retusa in cold and 120 °C for 10 min treatments. In the rest of the treatments carried out there were no significant differences with the control. In none of the treatments S. condensatum reached 50 % germination, while E. retusa was always higher than 70 %. We conclude that the seeds of E. retusa and S. condensatum tolerate low or moderate fire temperatures and are capable of germinating at 120 °C. E. retusa has advantages for colonizing burned sites in the Cordoba highlands.


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Martinat, J. E., & Gil, S. P. (2021). Reproductive capacity of native Poaceae from the mountains of Córdoba (Argentina) affected by fires. AgriScientia, 38(2), 41–51.


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