Persistence of long-term effects of phosphate fertilization and legume introduction in grasslands of Uruguay

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Amabelia del Pino Machado
F. Lezama
F. Pezzani
G. Parodi


In natural grasslands (NG) of Uruguay the introduction of legumes and P fertilization (NG+LP) prevents nutritional restrictions, but the long-term effects on soil and pasture are little known. To evaluate its long-term effects, a previous experiment was used, which involved the introduction of Lotus corniculatus and phosphate fertilisation with a control treatment of NG (1994 -1999). Between 2013 and 2015 the aboveground net primary production (ANPP), plant nutrient content, floristic composition and diversity were determined. In the soil, pH, organic C content, available P and organic P were analyzed. The mycorrhizal colonization of two native grasses was evaluated. The NG+LP soil presented higher content of available P, but there were not differences in organic  C. Although ANPP was similar, the forage P content was higher in of Lotus corniculatus compared to NG, while the mycorrhizal colonization was higher
in NG. Floristic composition and diversity did not differ. It is concluded that, although in the long term the ANPP increase was not sustained in the NG+LP treatment, there was an improvement in quality of the forage, due to its higher P content. However, there was not any effect on provision of key ecosystem services, such as species diversity.


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How to Cite
del Pino Machado, A., Lezama, F. ., Pezzani, F., & Parodi, G. (2021). Persistence of long-term effects of phosphate fertilization and legume introduction in grasslands of Uruguay. AgriScientia, 38(1), 99–109.
Short comunications
Author Biography

Amabelia del Pino Machado, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay

Profesor Agregado de Fertilidad de Suelos


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