Use of treated urban effluents for subsurface drip irrigation in the production of broccoli

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Fabricio Alejandro Salusso
R. Crespi
D. Ramos
G. Pautasso
C. Bouzo


The use of effluents constitutes a viable alternative in agricultural production, transforming a waste into a useful resource, providing water and nutrients to crops. The objective of the study was to evaluate the use of treated urban effluents in the production of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var italica). The treatments resulted from the combination of three cultivars: ‘Matsuri’ (C1), ‘Green Pia’ (C2) and ‘Almanor’ (C3), and two irrigation sources: treated urban effluents (EUT) and aquifer water (AC), supplied by subsurface drip irrigation during two seasons (E1 and E2). The experimental design was in divided plots. At harvest, partition of assimilates in leaves, stems and head was evaluated as well as head diameter, fresh yield and sanitary quality of the product through microbiological and parasitological analyses. The results showed significant differences (p? 0.05 Fisher) in yield for cultivars C2 and C3 (E1) irrigated with EUT. The head diameter presented differences for C2, C3 (E1) and C3 (E2). In E1 the environmental conditions were more favorable, influencing the yield of the cultivars. The sanitary quality tests of the heads determined that they were adequate for fresh consumption, demonstrating that this technology could be applied for broccoli production.


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How to Cite
Salusso, F. A., Crespi, R., Ramos, D., Pautasso, G., & Bouzo, C. (2019). Use of treated urban effluents for subsurface drip irrigation in the production of broccoli. AgriScientia, 36(1), 63–71.
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Author Biography

Fabricio Alejandro Salusso, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

Ingeniero Agrónomo obtenido en la Universidad nacional de Río Cuarto. Título de Posgrado: Magister en Ciencias Agropecuarias. Alumno efectivo de la carrera de Doctorado en Ciencias Agrarias, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, U.N.L. Cargo docente actual: Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos Exclusivo en el área de Producción Hortícola, Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria, U.N.R.C.


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