Effects of operational variables on agrochemical spray application quality and drift

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Victor Hugo Merani
Matilde Mur
Federico Ramirez
Mariano Julio Ponce
Facundo Guilino
Telmo Cecilio Palancar


Pesticide spraying is the most widespread form of pest control. Spraying is a complex process, from the agronomic and environmental point of view. A field trial was carried out, to evaluate the effect of three agrochemical application techniques. In all of them, an air-induced flat fan was used, with different application rates, sprayer speeds and noozle spacing. Three techniques were defined: T1 (57 l ha-1, 18 km h-1 and 0,35 m), T2 (28,7 l ha-1, 18 km h-1 and 0,70 m) and T3 (57 l ha-1, 9 km h-1 and 0,70 m. To assess the techniques, water-sensitive cards were placed on the ground in vertical columns, to measure the quality of application, sedimenting spray drift and cumulative airborne spray drift. The three techniques were similar in application quality but T1 reached a greater coverage. Regarding the airborne drift factor, T2 presented significant differences with respect to the other two techniques, which leads to the conclusion that higher speeds, larger noozle space and lower application rates increase airborne drift. There were no differences in sedimenting drift. Operational variables affect environmental risks regardless of the drop size produced.



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How to Cite
Merani, V. H., Mur, M., Ramirez, F., Ponce, M. J., Guilino, F., & Palancar, T. C. (2019). Effects of operational variables on agrochemical spray application quality and drift. AgriScientia, 36(2), 45–55. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v36.n2.19093
Author Biographies

Victor Hugo Merani, FCAyF Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Depto. Ingenieria Rural Ayudante Diplomado

Matilde Mur, FCAyF Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Depto. Ingenieria Rural Jefe de trabajos practicos

Mariano Julio Ponce, FCAyF Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Depto. Ingenieria Rural Ayudante Diplomado

Facundo Guilino, FCAyF Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Depto. Ingenieria Rural Jefe de trabajos practicos

Telmo Cecilio Palancar, FCAyF Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Depto. Ingenieria Rural Profesor adjunto


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