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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Guidelines for the submission of papers

(Effective January 2023)


AgriScientia publishes original and unpublished scientific articles -written in Spanish or English- on agronomic topics (agriculture, livestock, environment, agri-foods, among others). It includes articles, communications and reviews.


Before starting a submission, all authors must generate a unique author identifier, which is provided by ORCID. The ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID) is a unique identifier for researchers, which allows the precise identification of authors by distinguishing homonyms and maximizing interoperability options. To generate the ORCID code, please click here. There is no cost. Papers whose authors do not have this code will not be accepted.  


The process of submitting a paper is done through Open Journal Systems (OJS). To do this, you must request a user to agriscie@agro.unc.edu.ar. If you are already registered, you can simply log in and start the 5-step process. When doing so, remember to check the author role.


To submit your work, you must attach a publication request form (Download model here). This must be filled out and signed, then scanned and the file sent as a complementary file through the same system (step 4).


Once the user name and password have been obtained, you must enter the AgriScientia Journal system.


Click on the 'Author' role. Click on 'Start a new submission'. Complete the five steps: Step 1: Start submission / Step 2: Upload submission / Step 3: Enter metadata / Step 4: Upload supplementary files / Step 5: Confirmation.


Please follow these guidelines for authors, as failure to follow these submission guidelines may result in rejection of papers.


Articles, communications and reviews may be submitted. Papers should be written clearly and concisely, in Arial or Times New Roman font, size 12, single-spaced, with numbered pages and lines. They should strictly conform to the provisions of these rules. Articles should be written using an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF word processor.

The articles will have a logical structure, with the following sequence of sections:

Title (in Spanish and English)

Authors (institution of affiliation and ORCID code)

Correspondence to: e-mail of one of the authors.

Abstract/Summary (in Spanish and English, not to exceed 200 words).

Key words/Keywords (in English and Spanish)



Materials and Methods

Results and discussion


Acknowledgements (if any)

Bibliography (following the latest version of APA guidelines).


Papers should contain in Spanish and English the title, summary and key words. The subsequent development of the article will not have a formal logical structure, but its text should include the sections requested for the articles. Acknowledgements (if any) and bibliography should be included at the end of the article.


Reviews by leading researchers on the subject of their specialty will be published. Potential review authors should contact the Scientific Director to suggest topics and approaches.


Full scientific names should be cited in their first mention. In subsequent citations, only the initial of the genus plus the species may be used, without adding the classifier. If the common name is used, it should be accompanied by the scientific name in its first mention.


All latin locutions, as well as words in a foreign language that do not have their equivalent in Spanish, should be in italics or italics (e.g., in vitro), except for the scientific names of the families (e.g., Compositae, Poaceae).


Chemical symbols may be used in the text (e.g., N for nitrogen, C for carbon); however, common chemical formulas should not be used to replace the corresponding words (e.g., water and not H2O). Abbreviations in common use, such as ATP, DNA, RNA, etc., may be used.


When the text refers to quantities, from zero to nine should be expressed in letters, except when they are accompanied by units of measurement or the quotation includes larger numbers (e.g.: 3, 8 and 15 plots). Decimals in Spanish should be expressed with commas, and periods in English.


The results of the papers may be presented in tables and figures, which will be at the end of the article with their corresponding legends, numbered independently and correlatively with Arabic numerals. The titles of tables and figures should express what they are intended to represent. According to the layout of the journal, the dimensions of the figures should be adaptable to 7 cm wide (equivalent to one column) or 15 cm (double column); the height should never exceed 20 cm. Figures should also be submitted as supplementary files (OJS Step 4) in jpg or png image format, with a resolution of no less than 300 DPI. Photographs should also be able to fit 7 or 15 cm base. Photographs that lack excellent definition or do not meet the above requirements will not be accepted.


In the text, the citation standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) should be used. Only authors cited in the text should be included in the bibliography. In the text, the surnames of the authors are cited up to a maximum of 5 and completed with et al. and the year of publication. In subsequent citations, the surname of the first author plus et al. and year of publication are used. In the case of two authors, the surname of both authors should be published throughout the text together with the year of publication. For more information on citation, see here.


All papers should include bibliographical references at the end of the document according to the format used by the latest version of APA, in English and Spanish.


Internet citations should be added to the list of references, according to APA standards.


The articles submitted undergo an initial review stage to verify that they comply with these rules and to evaluate their relevance, originality and scientific quality. If they comply with this, they are received and sent to external consultants, national or foreign, selected among researchers of proven trajectory and experience in the subject. The performance of these is anonymous, and according to their opinion the acceptance or rejection of the article is decided. Whatever the decision is, the opinions of the consultants will be sent to the author.


Prior to publication, a proof will be sent to the author. Proofs are only for corrections of typographical errors.


Article publication charges are $15.00 per final page layout. This charge is waived for those publications that have as first author a FCA-UNC faculty member, or a fellow directed by a FCA-UNC faculty member, and listed as co-author of the paper (OHCD 8/2017).