Size and shape of the experimental garlic (Allium sativum L.) plot

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D. A. Peiretti
E. B. Biderbost
J. J. Carreras
M. C. Nazar


The size and shape of the experimental plot for garlic (Allium sativum L.) was determined in comparative trials in relation to replication number and the degree of accuracy. "Bulb weight" (gr) of the experimental clon "Alpa Suqula " obtained from meristem culture from " Rosado Paraguayo" papulation was used. From a uniformity trial, with 780 principal units, secundar plots (16 m2) were horizontally and vertically formed. Without taking cost into account , optimun plot size for garlic was established between 3 and 4 m2, with variation coefficients of 17 and 14% respectively. The optimun shape is 4 furrows 2 m long each.

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Size and shape of the experimental garlic (Allium sativum L.) plot. (1990). AgriScientia, 7, 45-48.
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How to Cite

Size and shape of the experimental garlic (Allium sativum L.) plot. (1990). AgriScientia, 7, 45-48.


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