The effect of humic acids on root growth and endogenous levels of auxin and inhibitory-like substances

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E. Casenave De Sanfilippo
J. A. Arguello
N. S. Correa
G. A. Orioli


The present paper reports on the effect of complete humic acid extract and medium molecular mass fraction thereof on the growth of sunflower root sections and on the endogenous level of plant growth regulators. Humic acids in nutrient solution, as opposed to humic acids or nutrient solution alone, caused the growth rate in root sections to diminish. Higher concentrations of humic acids proved to have an even stronger inhibitory effect. Root sections treated with 285 mg/L of medium molecular mass fraction showed improved growth and higher endogenous levels of growth-promoting substances than the control. Concentrations as high as 2000 mg/L of complete humic acid extract caused an increase in the endogenous levels of inhibitors. It is suggested that humic acids affect root growth either by altering the metabolism of endogenous plant regulators or by acting as growth-regulating substances themselves.

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The effect of humic acids on root growth and endogenous levels of auxin and inhibitory-like substances. (1990). AgriScientia, 7, 9-12.

How to Cite

The effect of humic acids on root growth and endogenous levels of auxin and inhibitory-like substances. (1990). AgriScientia, 7, 9-12.


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