Factors affecting graniferous sorghum implantation: planting depth and cariopse size

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Esteban Emilio Alessanria


The influence of seed weight, seeding depth and cultivar on grain sorghum establishment was tested in a factorial aplit-plot design. Seeds of three different size and weight from a hybrid and a non hybrid cultivar were planted at 2, 4, 6 and 8 cm seeding depht in orJer to asses the vigour of seedling in each particular case and the influence each ene had upon establishment and be able to determine the best seeding depth and find out the results of seed size. Upon first and third full leaf expansion, the following were measured and assesed: - total dry weight - dry weight of different components of seedling - leaf area - coleoptile length - mesocotile length and dry weight - percentage of emergence - relative growth rate (R.G.R.) - not assimilation rate (N.A. R. ) -leaf area rate (L.A.R.) Conclusions were: a) Greater seeds produce more uniform stands and more vigorous seedlings. b) Deeper seeding produce thinner and weaker stand of seedlings. c) Regard the length and dry net weight of mesocotile as indicators of the ability of emergence of grain sorghum. It is recommended to seed grain sorghum at a depth osciláting between 2 and 6 cm according to environments and to direct selection towards the obtention of larger kernels to ensure better establishment and higher yields.

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How to Cite
Factors affecting graniferous sorghum implantation: planting depth and cariopse size. AgriScientia, 3(1), 71-89. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v3.n1.904
Author Biography

Esteban Emilio Alessanria, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Ecología Agrícola

Ingeniero Agrónomo, Ms. Profesor Adjunto Cátedra.

How to Cite

Factors affecting graniferous sorghum implantation: planting depth and cariopse size. AgriScientia, 3(1), 71-89. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v3.n1.904


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