Molecular characterization and identification of olive genotypes (Olea europaea L.) from the NW region of the province of Córdoba, Argentina and determination of the intravarietal diversity of genotypes associated with the reference cultivars Arauco, Manzanilla and Arbequina

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Beatriz Costero
Ingrid Teich
Ricardo Jorge Taborda
Laura Torres


Córdoba (Argentina) has 4,484 ha dedicated to olive cultivation. The orchards established in the last century were characterized by low planting density and heterogeneous varietal constitution with dubious names. To solve this problem, it is possible to use genetic markers that allow materials to be characterized and identified. The objectives of the work were: to characterize and identify, using microsatellites, local olive genotypes from the Department of Cruz del Eje and to determine the intravarietal diversity of plants called Arbequina, Arauco and Manzanilla varieties. Olive plants, selected for yield, fruit quality and/or good response to biotic and abiotic stress, were analyzed together with accessions from the Olive Collection of INTA Junín (Mendoza, Argentina) and the World Germplasm Bank (Córdoba, Spain) with known identity. The diversity of genotypes associated with the reference cultivars was determined with seventeen microsatellites. Six local genotypes were identified. The most polymorphic microsatellites were Gapu 103A and UDO43 and the least informative Gapu 71B and EMO 90. The Gapu 71B microsatellite differentiated Nevadillo Negro from the rest of the materials. The genotype called “Arauco Olly” presented the same genetic profile as the “Arauco Centenario” cultivar and the genotype locally called “21 Kg” was identified.

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Molecular characterization and identification of olive genotypes (Olea europaea L.) from the NW region of the province of Córdoba, Argentina and determination of the intravarietal diversity of genotypes associated with the reference cultivars Arauco, Manzanilla and Arbequina. (2025). AgriScientia, 41(2), 1-18.

How to Cite

Molecular characterization and identification of olive genotypes (Olea europaea L.) from the NW region of the province of Córdoba, Argentina and determination of the intravarietal diversity of genotypes associated with the reference cultivars Arauco, Manzanilla and Arbequina. (2025). AgriScientia, 41(2), 1-18.


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