Characterization of Schinopsis marginata Engl. (Anacardiaceae) fruit, seed and seedling in relation with the stages of germination
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Schinopsis marginata Engl. (Anacardiaceae) is a dominant native tree of the Chaco Serrano Forest of Argentina. The objectives were to characterize the morphology and anatomy of the fruit, seed and seedling, describe the morphology of the seedling in the nursery and establish relationships with the germination: water uptake and radicle emission. Microscopy, laboratory and nursery germination, and staining techniques were applied for anatomical, morphological and water uptake characterization. The definition of the fruit as samara is based on morphology and anatomy, and new data on the pericarp and its function as a mechanical barrier during root emergence are provided. The morphology and anatomy of the seed is characterized for the first time with the novelty of the vestigial aril. In the embryo, the storage function of the cotyledons is verified. The morphology of the nursery seedling was confirmed and diagnostic characters were established for its recognition. In relation to the germination, the path taken by the water is determined and it is verified that the macrosclereids of the mesocarp constitute the physical barrier to water uptake. The function of the aril in the opening of the endocarp in the imbibition phase is suggested, which favors root emergence.
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