Complexity in curricular networks: Agronomic Engineering curriculum, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)
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Network theory is beginning to be discussed in the framework of educational sciences. Network analysis can help visualize the curricular hidden structure of different university careers, recognizing weak links or disconnections. However, currently there are few precedents of practical applications in the curricular diagnosis of university degrees. This work studies the curricular relationships between curricular spaces of an agronomic engineering degree, applying the network theory. Relationships were quantified between curricular spaces, identifying the trength of the links between them at a horizontal and vertical axis, in spaces of knowledge axes and knowledge cycles, analyzing the extent of recursivity of the contents based on their programs. The curricular spaces from the superior cycles are better interrelated than those from the lower cycles. The nodal curricular spaces are those with the largest number of internal and external links. Consolidation areas tend, in eneral, to the integration of knowledge. It is suggested to strengthen horizontal and vertical links among curricular spaces, especially in the basic cycles, either directly or through nodal curricular spaces, incorporating common activities or linking common practical contents.
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