Identification of morphostructural variables and blood polymorphisms for the characterization of Criollo goats in NW Cordoba, Argentina
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In order to determine the morphostructural and blood polymorphism characteristics for the characterization traits of Creole goats from the NW of Córdoba (Argentina), 103 adult female goats from 4 representative groups were studied through the analysis of 14 blood markers and 15 morphometric variables. Seven polymorphic loci were found through blood analysis, the Cat, Tf and bHb loci exhibiting significantly different frequencies according to the population of origin. Data were analyzed by means of the BIOSYS-1 program. Nei’s phenogram of genetic distances showed two large groups: one formed by the Deán Funes animals and the other by the 3 remaining populations. Multivariate statistical analyses with three sequenced techniques were used for quantitative morphological characters, so as to determine the rules for assigning each individual to its corresponding population.
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