Berberis mikuna Job., a fruit species native to Tucumán with nutraceutical potential and dyeing potential

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Silvia Radice
G. Dantur
A. Ceribelli
M. E. Arena


Berberis mikuna is a native species that grows in the Argentinian Northwest. Currently, its fruit is unknown in the market, but its wood has been used since before Hispanic colonization until present day for dyeing wool in the Tafí del Valle area. Thus, its increasing commercial value. It produces little-known blue berries that may have nutraceutical properties. The objective of this work is to present the flowering phenology and to evaluate the variability of some morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of flowers and fruits among accessions and between the two sites in the Alto de Medina Region (Tucumán) where they are found. These preliminary results indicate that the pistils of the Chacra Dantur site were significantly larger than those measured in La Quebrada, with significant differences, among the accessions. The variables number of flowers per cluster, dry weight of the inflorescences,
size of the pollen grain and number of ovules per pistil only presented differences between the accessions of the same site. The significant content of anthocyanins and phenols, although of high variability, present this fruit as functional food.

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Berberis mikuna Job., a fruit species native to Tucumán with nutraceutical potential and dyeing potential. (2021). AgriScientia, 38(1), 29-38.


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