Effect of eight rootstocks on the production of two sweet cherry varieties.
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Rootstocks improve the adaptation of varieties to different environmental conditions and increase production. High production and low loss ratio are required to achieve economic sustainability. The influence of SL64, MxM60, MxM14, CAB6P, Weiroot 13, GiSeLa®5 and GiSeLa®6 and Mariana 2624-Adara cherry rootstocks on the production of two cherry varieties was measured. The experimental design was for complete blocks at random, with six replicates. The variables were: crop production per tree (PrFC), production affinity (AfPr), good fruit production without damages or defects (PrFS), loss proportion (fPer), precocity (Prec), canopy volume (VDct) and fruit load. Under the soil and climatic conditions of the region and the planting density of the experiment, Bing on MxM60 or W13 and Celeste on SL64 or MxM60 had high PrFC and PrFS and according to variety they had low fPer and frequently exceeding the PrFS mean. PrFS was strongly related to PrFC and both depended on rootstock and variety interaction. The most precocious was M2624-Adara. The VDct was associated with PrFC but was an imprecise indicator. The SL64 or M2624-Adara rootstocks showed high AfPr for Celeste variety, whereas G5, G6 and W13 did for Bing.
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