Dynamics of fertility and microbial populations in soils affected by fires in the sierras of Córdoba (Argentina)
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Changes in soil fertility and microbial density and activity induced by the use of fire as a rangeland management practice in the Western Dry Chaco were studied. The site is located in the reserve "La Quebrada" of Córdoba Province, Argentina (31°05' S and 64°28' W). Two sites of similar ecological characteristics were selected for comparison: unburned and burned forest. Soil samples were taken immediately after fire and after 30, 180, 360, and 720 days. In the burned site, significant losses of soil moisture and organic matter content as well as an increase of N-NO3 were observed. Soil microorganisms were strongly affected by fire, especially ammonifiers and nitrifiers, which suggest that microbial communities may represent suitable indicators to assess soil fertility changes and soil rehabilitation in burned forests.
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