Grain yield and oil percentage of "high oleic" sunflower hybrids grown in Argentina.
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High oleic (HO) hybrids of sunflower have been available in the Argentinean seed market during the last three years. Their agronomic performance has not been fully studied, and a comparison with those hybrids considered "traditionals" (HT) for this character has not been made. In this work, the grain yield, oil content, and oleic acid content were measured in a collection of experimental and commercial HO and traditional sunflower hybrids. Experiments were made during two consecutive years and covered the major part of the sunflower production area in Argentina. The mean oleic acid content in experimental HO hybrids was 82.3%. The mean oleic acid content in traditional hybrids was 28.6%. Grain yield and oil content of some experimental HO hybrids were significantly higher than in traditional hybrids in the two years tested. It is concluded that in the near future, it will be possible to find in the Argentinean seed market HO sunflower hybrids with the same or higher oil content and with a grain yield potential higher than that of the traditional hybrids.
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