Adjustment of the technical specifications for the Tetrazolium viability test in Cenchrus ciliaris L. (buffel grass) seeds

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César Germán Agüero


The objective of the study was to establish guidelines for the viability test of seeds by tetrazolium in Cenchrus ciliaris using the Panicum protocols (ISTA, 2012). We worked with fascicles (dispersion unit) of Cenchrus ciliaris of the Texas cultivar from which caryopses were extracted to perform the tests. The appropriate method for cutting caryopses and the staining times were determined and two concentrations of tetrazolium solution were tested. In addition, after adjusting the conditions, evaluation protocols were developed. The adequate conditions to perform the viability test are 18 h of seed wetting between papers at a temperature of 20 °C, incomplete longitudinal cut through the embryo, tetrazolium concentration at 0.5 or 1 % and 10 hours of staining at 30 °C. The staining maps allow differentiating accurately the viability of the caryopses.

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Adjustment of the technical specifications for the Tetrazolium viability test in Cenchrus ciliaris L. (buffel grass) seeds. (2019). AgriScientia, 36(2), 81-88.
Short comunications
Author Biography

César Germán Agüero, Facultad de Cs. Agropecuarias. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Córdoba Capital

How to Cite

Adjustment of the technical specifications for the Tetrazolium viability test in Cenchrus ciliaris L. (buffel grass) seeds. (2019). AgriScientia, 36(2), 81-88.


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