The sunflower ideotype (Helianthus annuus L.)

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L. F. Hernández
G. A. Orioli


Morphological and physiological characteristics that are important to define the potential of yield of the sunflower plant are described. Then an ideal type of plant (ideotype), which should be able to efficiently use the available resources in the field, is proposed. A description of crop development emphasizing the factors that can affect different stages of its development is made. Among the morphological characteristics, it is proposed that plants should have an extended and deep root system and median height shoots with high capacity to store photoassimilates. These could then be reallocated to the capitulum during the grain filling period. Leaves should have a low senescence rate, and the canopy should reach a LAI not lower than 4 in a short time. It is also proposed that the meristematic surface of the receptacle has to reach its maximum size before the floret primordia differentiation begins. The mature capitula should have a low respiratory rate. It also could be desirable to get capitula with larger and heavier fruits and with a high oil content. The crop also should be able to respond efficiently to new agronomic practices such as "intercropping" or "zero tillage". 


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The sunflower ideotype (Helianthus annuus L.). (1994). AgriScientia, 11, 87-98.

How to Cite

The sunflower ideotype (Helianthus annuus L.). (1994). AgriScientia, 11, 87-98.


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