Observations on the life cycle and behavior of Listronotus dauci (Brethes) (Coleoptera-Curculionidae) in carrot crops in Córdoba (Argentina).

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C. I. Cragnolini
A. R. Cavallo


Listronotus dauci injures carrot crops in Córdoba (Argentine). Some aspects of the biologic cycle and behavior were studied.
In laboratory conditions was verified that the cycle lasted 39-40 days at enviromental temperature, 24 (t 5)°C. Eggs were placed individually or in groups of 2 or 3 on carrot disks, after 10-12 days larvae were born. They developed in 10-16 days and pupae in 5-9 days
On the field, oviposition sites were at the base of leaves and in the upper of the root. Damage began in September in developed crops and it was observed that the carrot weevil overwinters as an adult.

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How to Cite
Observations on the life cycle and behavior of Listronotus dauci (Brethes) (Coleoptera-Curculionidae) in carrot crops in Córdoba (Argentina). (1994). AgriScientia, 11, 83-86. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v11.n0.2444
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How to Cite

Observations on the life cycle and behavior of Listronotus dauci (Brethes) (Coleoptera-Curculionidae) in carrot crops in Córdoba (Argentina). (1994). AgriScientia, 11, 83-86. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v11.n0.2444


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