Incidence of the stem borer Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on corn crop yield and calculation of economic injury levels

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Gerardo Serra
Eduardo Victor Trumper


Diatraea saccharalis is a key pest of corn cultivation in the Pampas region of Argentina. The economic thresholds used are nominal and are not based on the current calculation of the economic injury level. The goals of this work were: to characterize the relationship between the infestation pressure of D. saccharalis and the yield of the corn crop and to calculate economic injury levels in different situations of crop development.A test was carried out with the hybrid DK696 with natural irrigation and infestation, following a split plot experimental design with five sowing dates and different crop protection windows.The yield showed a linear relationship with the intensity of injury caused by D. saccharalis and this response was independent of the sowing date. Injury caused to the middle third of the plants showed the greatest influence in the determination of yield, followed by the lower stratum, while damage to the upper stratum did not show a relationship with yield. Economic injury levels are proposed for different price scenarios.

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How to Cite
Incidence of the stem borer Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on corn crop yield and calculation of economic injury levels. (2020). AgriScientia, 37(1), 63-73.

How to Cite

Incidence of the stem borer Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on corn crop yield and calculation of economic injury levels. (2020). AgriScientia, 37(1), 63-73.


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