Preliminary study of water requirements in onion (Allium cepa L.) cv. Valcatorce in relation to seed production

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R. Borgo
O. M. Stahlschmidt
R. M. Tizio


The effect of water stress applied in different periods of the life cycle of onion (Allium cepa L.) (cv. Valcatorce) on seed production of crops managed by the "seed-bulb-seed" technique was evaluated. Drought effects were obtained by interruption of irrigation during the following phenological phases: 1) Vegetative, from plant emergence to just prior elongation of flower stalks; 2) Flower stalk growth; 3) Fruit growth and 4) Control, normally irrigated according to the technique used in the region of La Consulta, Mendoza, Argentina. The following parameters were evaluated: a. Umbels per plant; b. Flowers per umbel; c. Seed number per umbel; d. Foliage dry weight; e. Weight of 1000 seeds. Seed yield per hectare and seed number per flower were also calculated. Water potentials (in MPa) reached by plants at the end of each treatment were: in 1) -1.26; in 2) -0.9; in 3) -1.02 and in 4) -0.28 to -0.60 MPa. The results show that drought during the vegetative period and growth of flower stalks drastically affected seed yield and its components.

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Preliminary study of water requirements in onion (Allium cepa L.) cv. Valcatorce in relation to seed production. (1993). AgriScientia, 10, 3-9.

How to Cite

Preliminary study of water requirements in onion (Allium cepa L.) cv. Valcatorce in relation to seed production. (1993). AgriScientia, 10, 3-9.


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