Changes on physical and chemical soil characteristics derived from application of different compost types

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Julius José Koritschoner
Edgar Ariel Rampoldi
Susana Beatriz Hang


The effect of differents compost, obtained through the same composting methodology, was evaluated on the soil after two years of application. On a Typic Haplustoll, 40 Mg ha-1 of each compost was applied to the soil, forming the following treatments: CBIO with addition of biosolids compost, CF with addition of cattle-manure compost, CG with addition of poultry-manure compost, CROU with addition of organic urban waste compost. One treatment with inorganic fertilizer (FI) and an untreated or control soil (C0) was also included. Soil pH was slightly affected by compost addition according to compost characteristics. CROU and CBIO increasing and decreasing the pH, respectively (R2= 0.98). Soil organic matter of CG treatment showed changes in content of carbon fractions, without increment in total organic carbon (COT). The Cfracción>53?m increased in 85 % and alcali-extractable C increased in 24 % in CG respect to C0. Finally, concentration of CuM and ZnM increased in CROU. Our results show that a single incorporation of compost can modify soil properties due to the multiple materials composted. It should be done a monitoring to soil conditions to identify early trends and avoid negative environmental effects.

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How to Cite
Changes on physical and chemical soil characteristics derived from application of different compost types. (2019). AgriScientia, 36(1), 15-23.
Author Biographies

Julius José Koritschoner, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Profesor Ayudante, Departamento de Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciencia Agropecuarias.

Edgar Ariel Rampoldi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Profesor Adjunto, Departamento de Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciencia Agropecuarias.

Susana Beatriz Hang, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Profesora Asociada, Departamento de Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Ciencia Agropecuarias.

How to Cite

Changes on physical and chemical soil characteristics derived from application of different compost types. (2019). AgriScientia, 36(1), 15-23.


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