Hospitalization due to mental disorders and substance consumption in argentine adolescents. 2005-2006


  • M.E Bella
  • B. Villacé
  • M. Lopez de Neira
  • L. D. Acosta
  • M. S. Luccheese
  • M. S. Burrone
  • V. Gallo
  • R. Fernández
  • J. E. Enders



Mental and behavioral disorders, Adolescents, Hospitalization


Objective: To determine the prevalence of behavioral and mental disorders as the cause of hospitalization in adolescent population from age 10 to 19 in Argentina in the period 2005-2006.

Method: Observational, analytical and transversal study. The databases of Statistical Records of Hospital Discharge from the Department of Health Statistics and Information of the National Ministry of Health, years 2005-2006, were used. Data were analyzed according to sex, age and cause of hospital discharge. The statistical processing of data was done with the chi-squared test, Mantel Haenzel or Fisher’s test, p<0.05.

Results: 2% of hospital discharges were for Behavioral and Mental Disorders. The most frequent of these disorders for the age group 10-14 were: neurotic disorders (29.89%), substance consumption (23.49%) (p<0.001), and behavioral diseases starting in childhood (15.40%). For the age group 15-19 the most frequent were: substance consumption (30.94%) (p<0,001) -alcohol the most frequent-, neurotic disorders (21.04%) and schizophrenia (17.34%) (p<0.001). Distribution according to sex and age showed drug consumption (p< 0.0001) as the most frequent pathology among boys and neurotic disorders (p< 0.0001) among girls of both age groups.

Conclusion: Behavioral and Mental Disorders are a cause of hospitalization that increases with the age of adolescents and showed differences according to sex. Consumption of psychoactive drugs and behavioral disorders were more frequent in boys while neurotic disorders were more frequent in girls.


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Author Biographies

  • M.E Bella
    Dra. en Medicina y Cirurgía. Esp. en Psiquiatría y Psiquiatría infantojuvenil
  • B. Villacé
    Lic. en Nutrición. Becaria SECyT-UNC
  • M. Lopez de Neira
    Esp. en Pediatría, Epidemióloga, Consultora OPS
  • L. D. Acosta
    Lic.en Nutrición. Maestranda en Salud Pública. Becaria CONICET
  • M. S. Luccheese
    Lic. en Cs. de la Educación, Mgter. Prof. Adj. FCM - UNC
  • M. S. Burrone
    Lic. en Enfermería. Mg. en Sist. de Salud y Seg. Social.
  • V. Gallo
    Lic. en Psicología, Coor. CEyEA- ESP
  • R. Fernández
    Lic. en Psicología, Coor. CEyEA- ESP
  • J. E. Enders
    Dr. en Cs. Químicas, Prof. Tit. Plenario FCM - UNC




Scientific Articles

How to Cite

Hospitalization due to mental disorders and substance consumption in argentine adolescents. 2005-2006. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 19];16(2):36-45. Available from:

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