Epidemiological profile of drug consumption in persons treated at emergency rooms in hospitals in the state of Carabobo, Venezuela. Cecodpeh 2012


  • María Navarro de Sáez
  • Petra Romero
  • Venus Medina
  • Orfila Rosmer
  • García Leida
  • Endrina Cerro
  • Jenifer Flores




Drugs, violent events, prevalence, treatment


Cross sectional non-experimental study aiming at relating drug abuse to admissions to emergency rooms in public hospitals situated in the state of Carabobo due to accidents, violence and drug poisoning. Sample: 1595 patients between 14 and 65 years old who were admitted to the selected hospitals.

Results: socio-demographic profile predominantly male, under 30 years old, with increased use of alcohol, marijuana and cocaine, single without partner, with significant association between marijuana and marital status with p=0.000. Increased drug use at weekends. Association between reason of admission and drug consumption: alcohol, cocaine and marijuana, with values of p=0.000 for the three drugs mentioned. In addition, 5.4% have received treatment for drug abuse. These results show elements that will allow a deeper study of the impact of drug abuse in the population with the highest number of violent incidents.


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Author Biographies

  • María Navarro de Sáez
    Profesora Titular, Directora del Centro de Estudios sobre el problema de las drogas Universidad de Carabobo
  • Petra Romero
    Profesora Titular, Jefa del Dpto de Investigación del Centro de Estudios sobre el problema de las drogas Univ. de Carabobo
  • Venus Medina
    Profesora Asociada, Investigador del Centro de Estudios sobre el problema de las drogas Univ. de Carabobo
  • Orfila Rosmer
    Profesor Asociado Dep. de Cs. Sociales Fac. de Cs. de la Salud, Univ. de Carabobo
  • García Leida
    Enfermera Jefa Ambulatorio Los Chorritos
  • Endrina Cerro
    Profesora Instructora Departamento de Cs. Soc. Fac. de Cs. de la Salud, Univ. de Carabobo
  • Jenifer Flores
    Investigadora en Cs. Soc. del Centro de Estudios sobre el problema de las drogas Univ. de Carabobo, Venezuela




Scientific Articles

How to Cite

Epidemiological profile of drug consumption in persons treated at emergency rooms in hospitals in the state of Carabobo, Venezuela. Cecodpeh 2012. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2014 May 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];17(9):34-42. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RSD/article/view/6876