
  • H. L. Pizzi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
  • A. F. Tómas Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
  • M. R. Ferrero Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
  • H. L. Pizzi (h) Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas. Escuela de Salud Pública y Ambiente.
  • G. L. Fernández Cátedra de Parasitología y Micología Médicas. FCM. UNC.
  • F. Furey Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
  • R. D. Pizzi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
  • M. Herrero Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
  • M. D. Dib Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.



Cutaneous leishmaniasis, global warming, advance of the epidemiologic boundary, fi rst autochthonous case, Unquillo, Cordoba


The objective of this work is to report the fi rst case of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in the province of Cordoba, in the month of November, 2014. There are no previous reports of autochthonous cases in the province. The work team from the Chair of Medical Parasitology and Mycology. School of Medicine, National University of Cordoba, has been raising warning fl ags regarding the effects of global warming on public health, since it stimulates the advance of the epidemiologic boundary of vector transmitted diseases; leishmaniasis is an example of this statement. This zoonosis has been diagnosed in a patient from Unquillo, a mountainous region, little more than 20 km away from the capital of Cordoba, Argentina. The diagnosis has been checked with tissue biopsies, undoubtedly through parasite observation. Deforestation for agriculture and wood production, the generation of closed neighborhoods in the surroundings of cities, the migration of people coming from endemic areas and the global increase of temperatures are the factors which favor the new settlements of this pathology.8 This disease has a great impact on health and its vector has to be fought against through permanent health programs. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is greatly spread in America and representations can be found since pre-Columbian times in pottery and anthropomorphic huacos showing lesions corresponding to this pathology.1, 7, 8 The etiologic agent is a parasite transmitted by a small insect, Lutzomyia; it produces chronic ulcers and mutilation due to the destruction of nose and larynx cartilages. It is a priority to inform about the emergency of the disease, generate preventive actions of health promotion and let all the health team know about the existence of the disease in our setting.1, 7, 8


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Author Biographies

  • H. L. Pizzi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
    Cátedra de Parasitología y Micología Médicas. FCM. UNC.
  • A. F. Tómas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
    Cátedra de Parasitología y Micología Médicas. FCM. UNC. y Hospital Pediátrico de Córdoba
  • M. R. Ferrero, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
    Cátedra de Parasitología y Micología Médicas. FCM. UNC. y  Hospital Pediátrico de Córdoba
  • H. L. Pizzi (h), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas. Escuela de Salud Pública y Ambiente.
    Hospital Pediátrico de Córdoba. Escuela de Salud Pública y Ambiente. 
  • F. Furey, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.

    Hospital “Profesor José Miguel Urrutia” de Unquillo.

  • R. D. Pizzi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.

    Cátedra de Parasitología y Micología Médicas. FCM. UNC

  • M. Herrero, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.
    Hospital Pediátrico de Córdoba y Hospital Córdoba. Córdoba. Argentina.
  • M. D. Dib, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fac. Cs. Médicas.

    Cátedra de Parasitología y Micología Médicas. FCM. UNC


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Scientific Articles

How to Cite

THE RELENTLESS PROGRESS OF LEISHMANIASIS: REPORT OF THE FIRST AUTOCHTHONOUS CASE IN THE PROVINCE OF CORDOBA. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2015 Aug. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];19(2):15-23. Available from:

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