
  • Lorena Soler Universidad de Buenos Aires


cold war, cruzada mundial de la amistad, Paraguay, stronism


The article proposes to rebuild the origin and political history of the “Cruzada Mundial de la Amistad” (1958) from the study of the main available source, the official magazine of the organization. The article explores the trajectory of its origin and arguments in favor of the “culture of peace” during the world war. The investigation seeks to add elements for a sociohistorical reconstruction of the right-wing´s cultural and ideological paradigms. At the same time, it also proposed to dialogue with the study of the cultural dimension of the “Cold War” in Latin America. The hypothesis is that the organization has been the focal point for the recreation of a political community during the stronism and at the same time, it has visibilízate internationally Paraguay as a country without conflicts to resist the Mediterranean standing.


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How to Cite

Soler, L. (2015). FRIENDSHIP DURING THE COLD WAR. HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE “CRUZADA MUNDIAL DE LA AMISTAD” IN PARAGUAY (1970-1980). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea, (3), 75–92. Retrieved from