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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you need to make sure that you are Assuring a blind review; deleting the file properties and authorship identification data in the body of the text.

Author Guidelines


Submissions for possible publication are accepted in Spanish and Portuguese languages and should be sent in Word.

For articles:

Title: in Spanish/Portuguese and English, with no more than 250 characters.

Abstract: Each article should be accompanied with a Spanish/Portuguese and English abstract of a 250 words maximum, simple spacing, Times New Roman font12 points, justified.

Key words: three key words in Spanish (or Portuguese) and English.

Articles will be accepted only if submitted by a ranging from 30.000 to 80.000 characters (without spaces), including graphs, tables, footnotes and bibliography.

Articles must be original and have never been published before, as well as not being subject to ruling elsewhere at the same time.

The estimated time from submission to publication takes around five (5) to eight (8) months.

For contributions:

Title: in Spanish/Portuguese and English, with no more than 250 characters.

Abstract: Each contribution should be accompanied with a Spanish/Portuguese and English abstract of a 250 words maximum, simple spacing, Times New Roman font12 points, justified.

Key words: three key words in Spanish (or Portuguese) and English.

Contributions will be accepted only if submitted by a ranging from 20.000 to 40.000 characters (including spaces), including graphs, tables, footnotes and bibliography.

Contributions must be original and have never been published before, as well as not being subject to ruling elsewhere at the same time.

The estimated time from submission to publication takes around five (5) to eight (8) months.

For Bibliographical Review:

Bibliographical Review will have a maximum of 7.500 characters (including spaces), including graphs, tables, footnotes and bibliography. Abstract and key words are not required.


Page Format:

1. Size: A4

2. Margins: top and bottom: 2 cm; right and left: 2,5 cm

3. Font: Times New Roman, Main title: Times New Roman 16, lower case, bold, centered, with no end point. Author: Times New Roman 12, lower case, bold, right-aligned. Text: Times New Roman 12, single-spaced, justified. Footnotes: Times New Roman 10.

4. Space: single. Each paragraph must be separated by one enter.

5. Indentation: 1 cm

6. Subtitles: within the main text: Times New Roman 12, bold, left-aligned, with no end point.

7. At the end of the indication of author, it will be added a footnote with a *, in order to inform the institutional belonging, position and e-mail.

8. Graphs and images: In .tiff o .jpg format. They must be sent separately, indicating their location within the text.

9. Citation/References: in the main text, it should be used the following criteria: (author, year: page), according APA 6ta. style ( In the case of two authors it will be indicated as follows: (Rodriguez and Garcia, 1998: 56); if there are more than two authors (Sánchez et al., 2003) will be written. In the case using works written by the same author, published the same year, they must be sorted alphabetically and distinguished with a lower case letter following the year of publication.

10. Quotation: in quotes, without italics. If the quote, exceeds the three lines, it should go in a separated paragraph, with left and right margins of 1 cm, with no quotes and italics.

11. References: The section of references must contain the complete data of the authors’ works that are quoted in the discussion part, without adding others not mentioned. Data in the section of bibliography should be sorted alphabetically and chronologically


Bagú, Sergio (1970): Tiempo, realidad social y conocimiento, Siglo XX Editores, México DF. 

Jaguaribe, Helio; Iglesias, Francisco; Santos, Wanderley Guilherme; Chacos, Vamirch y Comparato, Fabio (1985): Brasil, sociedade democrática, José Olimpio J.O. Editora, Rio de Janeiro.

Chapter of books:

Fernández Retamar, Roberto (1995): “Nuestra América y el Occidente”, en Zea, Leopoldo (editor), Fuentes de la cultura latinoamericana, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México DF, pp.153-184.


Chaldecott, John (1981): “Justus Erich Bollmann and his platinum enterprises. Activities in North America and Europe before the year 1816”, Platinum Metal Review, N°4, Vol. 25, pp. 163-172.

For references to websites the full reference of the work will be written, indicating the date of retrieval:

Pereira, Andrés (2016): “La relación entre seguridad e inmigración durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX en Argentina”, Polis [En línea], Nº 44. Consultado el 13 diciembre 2016. Disponible en línea en

Online books:

Antoine, Georges (2010): De l’atome au matériau. Les phénomènes quantiques collectifs  [en línea], Le Collège de France, París, puesto en línea el 26 de noviembre del 2010, consultado el 08 de diciembre del 2010. URL:


Martini, Stella Maris (2005): Estudio de la construcción del crimen en los medios gráficos. La noticia policial, una noticia política. (Tesis de doctorado no publicada). Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.


Archivo General de la Nación, Lima [AGN], Juzgado de Aguas, f. 3v. Archivo General de Indias, Sevilla [AGI], Papeles de Cuba, legajo 2365, f. 345.

All submissions will be reviewed by means of a first editorial assessment, so that they agree with the topics of the journal and comply with all the established guidelines.

Other conditions:

The author, when sending his article or contribution, authorizes the free reproduction of the article in other media. Contributions not adjusted to these standards, will be returned.




The articles make up the main section of the Journal of the Intercátedras de Historia de América Latina-Segunda Época Network and are peer-reviewed using the "double-blind" system - for more details on the method of evaluation, see the Peer-review process section of this Portal. For a manuscript to be submitted to the evaluation process, it is essential that it has not been included in another scientific publication. Submitted papers must be unpublished and original, the result of scientific research. As for the extension, the title (in Spanish or Portuguese) should not exceed 250 characters. Each article should be accompanied by an analytical summary in Spanish (or Portuguese) and in English, of no more than 250 words each. Single spacing, anterior and posterior 0 pp, Source: Times New Roman 12, justified. It must be accompanied by three key words in Spanish (or Portuguese) and in English. The length should be between 30,000 and 50,000 characters with spaces including footnotes and bibliography.



This section gathers contributions that, due to their length and content, do not apply to the Articles category. The length must be between 20,000 and 40,000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and bibliography.


Interviews should be conducted with academics relevant to the field of Latin American studies. Their publication is the decision of the Editorial Committee. The number of characters may not exceed 50,000.


La sección Reseñas recibe textos que reseñan libros de reciente publicación (no mayor a dos años) sobre temas relativos a los estudios latinoamericanos.

Bibliographic Review

They should be critical reviews of books whose subject matter is in line with the profile of the journal, and which were published in the two years prior to the issue and volume in question. Critical reviews by specialists are published and the participation of young researchers in this section is also encouraged. They must be headed by the complete bibliographic reference of the reviewed work and must not exceed 7,500 characters with spaces including footnotes and bibliography. No abstract or key words are required.

Thesis summaries

Abstracts of Theses and Theses on topics related to Latin American studies will be accepted. With a maximum length of 7,500 characters with spaces including footnotes and bibliography. No abstract or key words required.

Dossier Articles: Exiles and Asylums in/from Latin America and the Caribbean

In the context of the global Cold War, during the 1960s and 1970s National Security Dictatorships (NSDs) were installed in Latin America that followed the guidelines of the US foreign policy of "internal defence against international communism". The effects of the massive repression mechanisms of the DHS provoked the exclusion and persecution of tens of thousands of political opponents and disaffected sectors of the public and national political spheres, and had an unprecedented regional and international impact. Thousands of citizens were forced to leave their countries because of systematic violations of their human rights. Faced with this situation, the protection they received from other States, international inter-State bodies and the support of international solidarity from various organizations and networks were key. In the countries that could offer protection to those people, tensions and discussions were exposed between adopting a foreign policy of respect for the right to asylum, or to refuge, and defense of human rights; or another one that prioritized reasons of State such as immigration policy, internal security, or the ideology of the applicants for international protection. Another effect of this regional situation is that it led to the formation of a broad movement of international solidarity for the defense of human rights and solidarity with the victims that consolidated various regional and transnational networks of political activation in opposition to the internal and external policies of the DHS. Currently, exiles, shelters and asylums are being reissued due to massive international forced migrations resulting from internal and external wars and conflicts, as demonstrated by the current regional and global debate on various cases of diplomatic and territorial asylates in Latin America and Europe. This situation is conducive to a necessary debate on the mechanisms for the protection of politically persecuted persons, solidarity and the defence of human rights at the local, regional and transnational levels. This dossier proposes to discuss empirical and theoretical research advances that address various aspects of exiles, refugees and asylums in Latin America and the Caribbean during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, with an interdisciplinary perspective and in its multiple scales and dimensions of analysis.
Mario Ayala (Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego-ICSE/Universidad de Buenos Aires-Departamento de Historia/CONICET)
Adriane Apararecida Vidal Costa (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

Mujeres, Historietas y Humor Gráfico

Mujeres, Historietas y Humor Gráfico:

La obra de autoras contemporáneas en la cultura masiva de América Latina


En los últimos años las ciencias sociales han vuelto a prestar atención a dos objetos culturales, la historieta y el humor gráfico, soslayados durante varias décadas. En efecto, si durante los decenios 1960-1970 desde la semiología, la sociología y los estudios sobre la cultura y la comunicación de masas se les dedicó a las llamadas “narrativas dibujadas” o “narrativas graficas” una atención productiva en términos de corrientes y enfoques analíticos, esta preocupación se replegó durante la siguiente etapa (1980-2000) hacia distintas zonas del periodismo de opinión, la crítica de medios y la divulgación cultural. Sin embargo, en los años recientes y trazando un mapeo general de la región, las investigaciones académicas han contribuido con nuevos aportes a un área interdisciplinaria de trabajo constituida por las ciencias sociales, los estudios visuales y la historia cultural. Una de las novedades más importantes es la irrupción de mujeres tanto en la academia como en los campos del humor gráfico y la historieta, territorios de la cultura masiva que, en términos históricos, han sido ganados mayoritariamente por los hombres en toda América Latina. Sin embargo, esta situación se vio trastocada en los años ochenta del siglo XX y en esta última década del siglo XXI cuando varias mujeres profesionalizadas ingresaron al mercado especializado del sector y a distintos medios culturales y de prensa diaria. Estamos ante un fenómeno (el ingreso de las mujeres en el ámbito de la producción de humor gráfico e historieta) relativamente reciente si entendemos que ambos lenguajes en su versión moderna y masiva tienen poco más de cien años de existencia. Este dossier propone reunir con una perspectiva interdisciplinaria avances de investigación empíricos y teóricos que aborden el lugar de la mujer en la producción de bienes simbólicos destinados al mercado masivo en América Latina a partir del caso del humor gráfico y la historieta, así como estudios que enfoquen trayectorias, producciones, publicaciones y prácticas realizadas por mujeres durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX hasta la época contamporánea. Para su realización pensamos en colaboradorxs que puedan poner en contacto y tensión de manera creativa estas dimensiones múltiples de un debate aún en construcción y que merece, en consecuencia, una atención particular y emplazada en contextos históricos y regionales específicos.


Dra. Laura Vazquez (CONICET, IIGG, UBA)

Dra. Maria da Conceição Pires (UNIRIO)



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