2002, coup to Chávez: the opposition articulation and the "rebellion of the receiver". A re-reading based on hegemony


  • Mauro Berenegan


Coup d'Etat, Hugo Chávez, Hegemony, Discourse, Articulation


Framed within a larger project that includes the study of the political and discursive articulation in the dispute for hegemony carried out by Chavismo, this paper seeks to reread the events of the coup d'état of April 11, 2002 against Hugo Chávez based on two linked questions: what characteristics did the opposition articulation that orchestrated the coup acquire and, fundamentally, why it did not succeed in imposing itself. To this end, we reconstruct the causes of support to the coup from each sector as well as the actions and discursive articulations carried out by the opposition in the "insurrectional period" with primary and secondary sources, and we analyze why, in spite of having not only the support of businessmen, unions and external support, but also a communicational monopoly articulated against Chávez, it did not manage to successfully question the popular majorities and turn them against him.  The use of a theoretical framework from (based on) notions such as the "rebellion of the receiver" and the "nuclei of good sense" help to understand the forms of this resistance, integrating structural and superstructural aspects, in order to elucidate the reason for the popular mobilization and the consequent failure of the coup d'état.


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How to Cite

2002, coup to Chávez: the opposition articulation and the "rebellion of the receiver". A re-reading based on hegemony. (2024). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 20, 21-42. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RIHALC/article/view/45176