Reorganizing genocide in Paraguay


  • Mónica Nikolajczuk


Paraguay, Ligas Agrarias, genocidio


Despite their specificities, the Paraguayan case represents a key element for the study of the genocidal processes in the region. Appointed early in the Doctrine of National Security, General Alfredo Stroessner and the ruling class that supported his government made use of entrenched conceptions in the community throughout its history to create a negative figure to justify the persecution, expropriation and destruction of anyone who opposed the regime. The figure of foreign communist allowed the perpetration of a plan headed by the police and military forces, based on the counterinsurgency doctrine. To develop what was known as conservative modernization in the late 60s, that figure served to undermine any attempt to subvert the new model of accumulation. Thus, the Christian Agrarian Leagues were intensely hunted to be eliminated both organizationally and physically. This work intends to analyze, from the concept of reorganizing genocide of Daniel Feierstein (2014), the Paraguayan case, under the assumption that the physical elimination of farmers as well as the informers scattered within the whole society, were intended to eliminate the relations of reciprocity and autonomy that prevent from the implementation of a new economic pattern.


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How to Cite

Reorganizing genocide in Paraguay. (2016). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 5, 133-146.