Documentation and research center Daniel Vidart

a look from management in organizations




Information management, Strategic planning, Documentation Center, Organization, Uruguay


In order to provide an approach to the gestation of a new organization, the case of the Daniel Vidart Documentation and Research Center in the city of Paysandú (Uruguay) is presented. We intend to provide information on the aforementioned center, from a perspective linked to information management in organizations, an aspect that has been little addressed when focusing on the development of information units. The methodological path that supports the work carried out is proposed and the results of the research are presented. Finally, recommendations tending to value the organization are provided, betting on the implementation of a strategic plan.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez , D., Rosado , Y., & Fuster Caubet, Y. (2023). Documentation and research center Daniel Vidart: a look from management in organizations. Revista Prefacio, 7(10), 56–73.


