Working the arts in prisons. Reflection on artistic educational practices in the framework of outreach


  • Marianela Gervasoni Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina


art, prisons, rights, workshops, social, engagemente


This article describes the experience of the "Psychology of Learning" department of the Art Faculty of the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires in its extension project "Psychology of Learning: Working with Art in Prisons", linked to the "University in Prison" program and the "Access to Rights" comprehensive program. The main objective of the project is to bring art and education closer to people deprived of their freedom in contexts of confinement, since it is understood as a right. Art workshops, such as theater, cinema and literature, are offered in prisons as tools for the construction of identity and the generation of a common world of meaning.

The importance of providing educational and cultural opportunities in this context is highlighted throughout the article. Workshops are developed in a variety of ways, some with structured planning and others more focused on exploration and enjoyment. The workshop leaders face obstacles such as lack of resources, irregularity of students and bureaucratic difficulties in the prison system. However, they have managed to overcome these challenges over the years and maintain continuity in their classes. Despite the obstacles, all participants in this project demonstrate a deep commitment to education and art as a means of providing hope and recognizing persons deprived of their liberty as subjects of rights.


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How to Cite

Gervasoni, M. (2023). Working the arts in prisons. Reflection on artistic educational practices in the framework of outreach. E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 10(16). Retrieved from