Writings of the Self. Molloy and Bianciotti Draw their Public Self


  • Ariel Ingas Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


writings of the self, autofiction, self-figuration, autobiographemes, identities


This article explores the mechanism of self-figuration in a selection of works by two Argentine authors: Sylvia Molloy and Héctor Bianciotti. In the first place, we have taken the work of José Amícola Autobiografía como autofiguración. Estrategias discursivas del yo y cuestiones de género to build the theoretical category in order to observe two autofictional works (El común olvido and La busca del jardín) by the aforementioned authors. Secondly, this work delved into three aspects of the process called self-figuration and its relationship with the writings of the self: the displacement of identities, the relationship of resemblance between life and autobiographical narrative, and the formation of autobiographemes. Finally, we explored the different ways in which each author makes use of the self-figurative device in their literary production and, specifically, in the works of our corpus, and we analysed these self-figurative processes in the light of convergences and divergences from a comparatistic viewpoint.


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How to Cite

Ingas, A. (2023). Writings of the Self. Molloy and Bianciotti Draw their Public Self. Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, 14. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/CultyLit/article/view/43916