11-S: The Overflows of The New Global Empire


  • Miriam Carballo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


globalization local vs global affairs, cracks, tension


Undoubtedly, 9/11 represents a moment of inflection in the history of the United States. With the exception of the invasion of the air space back in time in faraway Pearl Harbour, the United States had never been the object of attacks in its territory. 9/11 placed the American nation in an unprecedented position of vulnerability and aroused justified painful reactions, as much as vehement protests in the face of what was considered a completely unjustified attack. “The barbarian invasions” demanded a profound revision of the global order. In this work I propose to analyze the tension between the global relations and the local reality, and the ways in which the apparent homogeneity of globalization cracks when the “empire”—made up of the territories formerly colonized—counterattacks in global times. The corpus for the analysis consists of the following novels: The Falling Man by Don DeLillo (2007), Saturday by Ian McEwan (2005) and A Disorder Peculiar to the Country by Ken Kalfus (2006).


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Author Biography

Miriam Carballo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Es Doctora en Letras (Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, UNC) y Magíster en inglés con orientación en literatura angloamericana (Facultad de Lenguas, UNC). Es Profesora Titular Regular del Seminario de Literatura de Posguerra en Inglés y de Literatura Norteamericana en la Facultad de Lenguas, UNC. Dirige el Doctorado en Ciencias del Lenguaje en la misma Facultad y es Presidenta de la Asociación Argentina de Literatura Comparada. Es editora, junto con María Elena Aguirre, de Ecocrítica, “Crítica Verde”. La naturaleza y el medioambiente en el discurso cultural anglófono.


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How to Cite

Carballo, M. (2015). 11-S: The Overflows of The New Global Empire. Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, 5. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/CultyLit/article/view/13193