Psychiatry and Schizophrenia in Büchner, Nerval y Goetz
schizophrenia, comparative literature, Büchner, Nerval, GoetzAbstract
The term schizophrenia comes from the field of psychiatry. According to French psychiatrists Lemoine and Cyrulnik (2016), this is a questionable concept. Created in 1908 by Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler (1857-1939), this term means "divided mind." In the field of literature, Todorov (2011) turns to the work of the psychiatrist J. S. Kasanin (who in 1933 implemented the concept “schizoaffective disorder”), to propose the characteristics of the characters in fantasy literature. Deleuze and Guattari (2013) and Fredric Jameson (2012) allude to the term “schizophrenia” to characterize the social and psychological consequences of a historical period. The emotional features of this illness can be observed in three different literary works. To write his novel Lenz (1839), G. Büchner sought inspiration in the biography of an 18th century author who suffered from mental disorders; G. de Nerval is inspired by his own life to create Aurelia (1855) from a fantastic perspective (as proposed by Todorov), and R. Goetz sets Loco (1983) in contemporary life, where the individual suffers from alienation and incomprehension every day. The objective of the following work is to analyze the treatment of schizophrenia in the three novels mentioned above. The German authors (Büchner and Goetz) share a scientific perspective; and Goetz and Nerval, the narrative perspective (polyphonic in the first and individual in the second), and the autobiographical narrative, which arises from the data they provide in their works.
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