Nineteenth-century Joyce: the interior monologue in the 19th century literature in the light of Ulysses


  • Fabricio Welschen Universidad Nacional del Litoral


Joyce, nineteenth-century, interior monologue


This article focuses on the scope of James Joyce's novel Ulysses, especially with regard to earlier literature. For that, the premise that emerges from the text "Kafka y sus precursores", by Jorge Luis Borges, will be taken as a starting point. In this way, it will be investigated how the influence of Joyce's writing has allowed the recognition of antecedents of the interior monologue in novels of 19th century literature such as Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina and Effi Briest.


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How to Cite

Nineteenth-century Joyce: the interior monologue in the 19th century literature in the light of Ulysses. (2022). Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, 13.