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Rocío Annunziata


This paper aims to examine the evolution of participatory institutions in the City of Buenos Aires, in light of the contrast between two paradigms: community participation and connective participation. The general objective is to describe and analyze the participatory practices promoted by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires from the critical juncture of the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to a shift in the conception of participation and an increased emphasis on innovation. The research methodology is qualitative and includes a series of activities such as in-depth interviews, non-participant observations of participatory meetings and analysis of documents produced by the protagonists. This article aims to make a conceptual contribution to studies on citizen participation, to the extent that it proposes to consider the evolution of practices within the framework of a new paradigm; it also aspires to make a methodological contribution, because one of the most important axes of the research activities is the non-participant observation of synchronous digital meetings.


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Annunziata, R. (2022). FROM PARTICIPATION TO INNOVATION: ONLINE DELIBERATION INSTANCES PROMOTED BY BUENOS AIRES CITY. Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), (13), 176–200. Retrieved from
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