The challenges in occupational health and safety (sst) for safe production with the use of nanotechnology

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Grupo de Discusión de Nanotecnología Fundacentro/ MT, Brasil


Fundacentro, an institution of the Ministry of Labor of Brazil, in its National Technical Center in Sao Paulo, publishes a technical note as part of its effort to promote the health and safety of workers. The document was developed within the scope of the research project "Impacts of nanotechnologies and other new technologies on workers' health and the environment", with the coordination of researcher Arline Arcuri. During the development process, there was also the contribution of technicians from the institution and external ones, members of workers' unions and other bodies gathered in the Nanotechnology Discussion Group of the Fundacentro.


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How to Cite
Fundacentro/ MT, Brasil, G. de D. de N. (2018). The challenges in occupational health and safety (sst) for safe production with the use of nanotechnology. Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), (5), 84–94. Retrieved from
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