Transformations in the future of public employment: from white collar to digital collar

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Gustavo Blutman
Fernando Gonzalez Galmarini


The world of work is going through profound transformations produced by the so-called IV Industrial Revolution. The convergence of scientific development, the application of new technologies and the speed of automation, digitalization and incorporation of new ways of managing information processes are accelerating reforms in traditional organizational formats inherited from the last century. The issue is crucial, since one of the characteristics of this type of society is the lability of its labor market. In this framework, a good part of the workforce will have to face scenarios in which skills are required that, despite being sophisticated and innovative, are not within their reach. Profound changes are expected in administrative work, from white collar workers to digital collar workers, that is, new profiles associated with these changes at different levels, such as income, work modalities, professionalization and training. The purpose of this presentation is to observe and analyze the different scenarios that emerge, in order to outline future strategies for public employment.

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How to Cite
Transformations in the future of public employment: from white collar to digital collar. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 16, 69-92.
Dossier Temático

How to Cite

Transformations in the future of public employment: from white collar to digital collar. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 16, 69-92.


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