Territorial foresight models in mexican coastal tourism zones: a literature review
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Mexico has extensive coastlines that are attractive tourist destinations, attracting thousands of visitors to the country. However, tourism development in these areas has had a significant impact on the environment and society. To address these challenges, the importance of territorial planning and foresight, which involves analyzing the past and present to anticipate future problems, is emphasized. However, it has been argued that spatial planning in Mexico's coastal zones has been limited and faces significant challenges in its implementation.
The purpose of this review is to identify the territorial foresight models that have been employed in the coastal zones of Mexico, with the objective of evaluating their strengths and weaknesses, in order to provide guidance for future management planning. As a result of a systematic search, seven articles were reviewed. The main strengths of the foresight models analyzed are the integration of the perspectives of multiple stakeholders, the integral consideration of environmental and socioeconomic factors in the diagnosis, and the use of participatory techniques to involve the local community in decision making. But they also face difficulties in implementation due to the uncertainty of future scenarios, divergent stakeholder interests, high costs and the time required to carry out the process. These limitations highlight the need to address implementation challenges, innovate methods, seek funding sources and streamline the process to make spatial foresight more accessible in coastal areas with limited resources, while promoting long-term planning.
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