Links between subnational authoritarianism and businessmen. The case of juarismo in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, up to the year 2004
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In the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, a subnational authoritarian regime known as "Juarismo" governed until 2004, due to the adjectives of the last name of who was five times governor of the province. Said regime knew how to stay in power for 50 years, alternating power with his wife and other members of his party, which knew how to
recover power after military governments, changes of party sign, knew how to win an election after the Federal Intervention of the year 1993. Its abrupt end took place in 2004 through the Federal Intervention by Pablo Lanusse, ordered during the presidency of Néstor Carlos Kirchner. Nor should it be forgotten that Kirchnerism harshly criticized the neoliberal measures adopted by the government of Carlos Menem, trying to achieve a maximum differentiation with the Menemist model, Kirchnerismo adopted a series of measures aimed at the nationalization of privatized companies and the expansion of the
state and public spending. In this national context of transition from a neoliberal government to another of a social market economy, Juarismo chose to support Menemism electorally, thus demonstrating its alignment with neoliberal policies favorable to large business groups operating in the province. Throughout the following work, an attempt will be made to answer the following questions raised by the relationship between subnational governments and companies. How were these relationships between subnational governments and companies generated? How were the companies linked to this subnational authoritarian regime? How do these links affect subnational citizens? What is the mechanism by which these companies spuriously benefit from these agreements? For this, a qualitative investigation was used where the interviews with qualified informants were used as the primary source of data.
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