Business regulation administrative costs as independent and dependent variable: a state of affairs

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Pablo Daniel Garibaldi


The present study carries out an evaluation of the literature on the role that administrative costs of business regulation fulfill both as an independent and dependent variable and its limitations. This review aims to contribute to the understanding ofbusiness regulation and provide explanations, on the one hand, of differences found in different countries in terms of economic performance to the extent that administrative costs of the regulations fulfill a role as an independent variable. In this sense, the main economic results observed are the entry of new legally constituted firms, production per capita, goods’ and services export and economic growth. On the other hand, this work seeks to reconstruct the political and economic determinants that allowto account for the level of administrative costs of business regulation. This last academic production, notoriously more limited and less systematized than that devoted to economic effects, addresses both structural factors and public policies implementedby a given administration to reduce the administrative burden in question. From this review, we suggest possible investigations that contribute to administrative costs’ analysis of business regulation in recent times.To that end, a sample of works published in the decades of 2000 and 2010 has beenanalyzed.

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How to Cite
Business regulation administrative costs as independent and dependent variable: a state of affairs. (2019). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 7, 44-61.
Author Biography

Pablo Daniel Garibaldi, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública

Licenciado en Ciencia Política (UBA). Magíster en Economía Política (FLACSO). Investigador del Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública (INAP).

How to Cite

Business regulation administrative costs as independent and dependent variable: a state of affairs. (2019). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 7, 44-61.


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