Use of the term bullying in Twitter: a qualitative study


  • Alba González Moreno Universidad de Almería, España
  • María del Mar Molero Jurado Universidad de Almería, España



social networks; discourse in networks; qualitative analysis


Bullying is a problem immersed in our society and that may develop through physical or verbal attacks, as well as through the use of new technologies. The present work aims to analyze what is the predominant use of the term bullying in the discourse in the networks. The methodology consisted of compiling a series of tweets provided from the social network Twitter which were subsequently analyzed. The results show that the majority of the users use the term bullying in their opinions in an adjusted way, that is, in a correct way. Even so, there are also many occasions in which the subjects use this term in an inappropriate way since it is applied with a certain tone of humor, which causes the importance of the term itself to be diminished. Therefore, it is necessary to reinforce the importance of this issue.


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How to Cite

González Moreno, A., & Molero Jurado, M. del M. (2022). Use of the term bullying in Twitter: a qualitative study. Virtuality, Education and Science, 13(25), 68–77.



Theoretical Basis and Research