The impact of the discovery of the double structure of DNA


  • Lucía P. Martino Escuela de Filosofía. FFyH. UNC


DNA structure, biology, impact


This paper will explore the reasons why the discovery of the chemical structure of DNA has been a significant milestone in the history of biology. We will argue that: 1) it boosted a great deal of research at the time, leading to the understanding of the mechanism of protein synthesis and the formulation of the main dogma of biology; 2) it allowed the consolidation of molecular biology as a new discipline; 3) it promoted visual thinking in biology; 4) although the discovery was not considered as a paradigm change of Kuhnian magnitude, it did boost the current development of epigenetics and related controversial research in the discipline.


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How to Cite

Martino, L. P. (2024). The impact of the discovery of the double structure of DNA. Síntesis, (14), 66–80. Retrieved from



